How To Use Facebook Groups To Promote Your Business

How To Use Facebook Groups To Promote Your Business

Ever wondered how you can use your Facebook group to promote your network marketing business?

Ever felt like you are getting no where with your current Facebook business page?

Or maybe you are inviting a ton of people to your Facebook page.

But few are showing up for the content you are posting inside.

Or worse yet…

Do you have people sending you angry messages asking you NOT to add them to your Facebook groups?

Oy!  Have I been there.

It’s painful thinking about what I used to do to promote my network marketing business with Facebook groups back in the day.

What’s even worse is watching other network marketers fall into the same trap.

I wanna help you get the most engagement and business out of your Facebook groups!

And to be completely honest…

It all starts with the INVITE!

There is one mistake I see most network marketers make when it comes to promoting their Facebook group.

They invite loads of people without inquiring first if their prospect is even remotely interested in being in their Facebook group.

I know it’s scary to ask prospects if they will join your group. I get it!

What if they say no?

What if they ignore you?

These are, unfortunately,  not the most effective questions to be asking at this point.

A better question to ask is, “If I invite massive amounts of people into my group without inviting them, will they engage with the content?”

How Can You Use Facebook Groups To Promote Business?

I didn’t want to keep you out to dry with this question.

So I actually created this video to help you figure out how to invite prospects to your Facebook group where they will actually interact and want to BUY YOUR PRODUCTS or JOIN YOUR TEAM!

And I even share with you how to have prospects invite themselves!

I share how I had over 200 prospects invite themselves into one of my Facebook groups in a month.

Pretty cool right?

Go ahead and watch!

Use Facebook Groups To Promote Business

I want to see you grow. 

So go ahead and use some of my tips I shared above!

You will be glad you did.

And if you want access to the link I was referring to in my video, HERE IT IS!

Time to grow your business with Facebook groups.

Now Go Build Your Empire!


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Just wanted to let you know that some of the links in this post are affiliate links.  If you go through them and make a purchase, I will earn a commission.  This is at no extra cost to you. Know that everything I recommend I have personally used and can vouch for.  Please read my disclosure page for full details.

12 thoughts on “How To Use Facebook Groups To Promote Your Business”

    • Yes girl! Facebook groups can be STELLAR if you use them properly! Facebook is definitely known for how amazing they do with groups!

  1. Since I blog about my mother, I started a fan page on Facebook where I feature links to the blog posts. That keeps some reading regularly when they might not be blog followers otherwise.
    Then I’ve joined some Facebook groups that focus on different eras like the 1940s or 1930s or on nostalgia. Those have been very receptive to my posts. Some of the groups are quite large with over 20,000 members.

  2. I get invited or added to many groups but I don’t have it in my to add people to my group unless they message me. I’ll have to follow some of your tips. Thanks!

    • So glad you do it that way! Cause let me tell you, it can get kinda old to get these group invites daily when you didn’t ask to be a part of the group! Glad you loved this!

  3. Been there, done that. I’ve just gotten to the point where I don’t even invite people. I’m at the stage where I’m sorta waiting for them to find me – it’s working but growth is slow. I’ll watch your video later today when I’m through with work.

    • It can be slow unless you understand how to market to your perfect prospect so you’re irresistable to them. Glad you could stop by!


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