How Do Network Marketers Easily Attract Customers Using Social Media

How Do Network Marketers Easily Attract Customers Using Social Media? In this video I share how you can use attraction marketing and social media to build a business that you absolutely love!

But stick around til the end, because I share my favorite way to easily attract customers into my network marketing business WITHOUT EVER TALKING TO THEM first!

You’ve probably been taught how to get customers by cold calling and spamming friends, family, and strangers on and offline.

I will show you a way to increase your network marketing lead generation and get customers that has nothing to do with cold-calling or spamming people.

Network marketing is a great business opportunity, but it takes hard work and dedication! There are three most important things you can do to grow your network marketing business, and I’m going to share with you exactly what those are!

By leveraging social media and attraction marketing you can easily do both of these things. You can learn to build your multi-level marketing business with ease in today’s day and age.

Access this social media and attraction marketing training for your network marketing business. Learn how to quickly and easily attract high quality leads and grow online faster! Grab my favorite social media marketing and lead generation system blueprint today.:

If you would like to join me in my network marketing company with timing on its side, and a team with an unbeatable social media lead generation system already in place, then grab your spot on my team. Make sure my name, Karin Angelly is in the upper left hand corner.

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  • [00:00] – How Do Network Marketers Easily Attract Customers Using Social Media?
  • [00:55] – If you want to use social media for your network marketing business, you better be doing this one thing.
  • [02:46] – If you want to easily attract customers using social media, you need to make sure you are connecting with people in your niche
  • [04:24] – Many network marketers forget to ask for what they want on social media
  • [05:37] – Discover how you can easily attract customers into your network marketing business using social media

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Transcription Below

So how do network marketers easily attract customers using social media? Well, my name is Karin Angelly from

I teach and train network marketers, how to build their business in the online space. And today I want to talk about all things, social media, and how you can actually start attracting your customer to you instead of you having to chase them all the time.

So listen, I’m here every single week, giving you tips, tricks and strategies on how to build your network marketing business. So go ahead and tap that subscribe button because I want to help you in any way possible.

So let’s talk a little bit about social media and how you can use social media in combination with attraction marketing, to actually start building your brand. Stick around with me until the end, because I have something super special for you.

That’s going to help you literally start attracting people to your business without you ever having to message them or chase them on social media. So stick around with me until the end, because I’m going to share with you all about how to do.

So a lot of times when people are looking to use social media, I notice that there’s one thing that they’re missing with that they really should be doing. If they were doing this one thing, they probably would be having a lot more success.

And this goes for any social media platform that you choose, you could be on Facebook, you could be on YouTube, you could be on Instagram, LinkedIn, whatever the case may be. It doesn’t matter what social media platform you choose.

You, if you’re not doing this one thing, you’re most likely going to be struggling with attracting customers to your social media. And that one thing is actually being consistent on that platform. Okay.

Every single social media platform has a different idea of what it means to be consistent on the platform. Places like Instagram or Facebook have their own different algorithms. So doesn’t LinkedIn and YouTube and all these different things.

So, if you are looking to build on a specific social media platform, you’ve got to figure it out. What does consistency look like for that social media platform?

I know that whenever I am using platforms to build my reach and to actually grow, I create some sort of schedule for myself, whether it’s uploading videos, whether it’s going live, whether it’s posting. I make sure that I have some sort of schedule for that social media platform, because otherwise I’m just going to be wasting my time because that social media platform, wherever I am, if I’m not connecting.

It’s not going to show me to other people and ultimately that’s what we want. Right. If we’re looking to grow our network marketing business on social media, if we’re looking to grow on social media, within our niche, we’ve got to be consistent. Okay.

So make sure that before you do anything else that you actually have some sort of plan for yourself on how you’re going to upload content on a regular day. Now, if you want to easily attract new customers to your business using social media, you’ve got to figure out, first of all, who is it that’s in your niche and actually connect with those people.

So listen, if you are in a health and wellness, It’s time to figure out how to actually connect with certain people on social media, within that niche. Okay. Whether that is, if you’re on Facebook, whether that means that you are friend requesting people within a Facebook group that have shown that they’re interested in health and wellness, or you’re connecting with people on YouTube, through keywords that are focused towards a specific niche of people, whatever the case may be, make sure you know who your niche is.

Make sure that everything that you’re doing is really so focused on connecting with that audience on that social media platform within your niche. Okay. If you can really figure out how to connect with people, that’s going to be your biggest win right there. Okay.

You can connect with people through video. You can connect with people through you can connect with people through messages. Okay. 

Doesn’t matter how you decide to connect with people, but if you want to be successful on social media with your network marketing business, you’ve got to connect with people and you can either do this actively where you are messaging people or passively where you post and people start coming to you. Okay. That’s truly what it’s all about.

Network marketing is honestly always about creating relationships and connecting with those relationships. So like I said, it doesn’t matter how you decide to do this, whether it’s active or passive, just make sure that you’re connecting with people in your niche that are already interested in what you have to offer.

So an incredibly crucial step that most network members unfortunately forget when they are using social media to build their network marketing business is they forget to add on their posts, on their videos, on whatever it is, they forget to add a call to action.

We actually want to tell our audience what it is that we want them to do. So if we’re on Facebook or Instagram or LinkedIn, and we create a post, we want to actually have a call to action on that post.

What do we want our audience to do? Okay. How do we want them to respond now that they’ve seen some information about our business, our service, our products, whatever the case may be, what do we want them to do now?

We need to tell people what we want. Otherwise, we’re going to struggle.

If you’re on YouTube, you’re creating content and you’re actually telling people what you want them to do during that content, as well as after that content is over. So make sure that you don’t miss this incredibly crucial step of asking your.

What you want them to do, actually telling them what it is that she wants to do. This is your call to action.

And this is literally how you’re going to get more people easily buying from you, becoming customers, wanting to know about your business. You’re actually telling them what to do.

So listen, friend, I’ve bet you have been on social media for a little while now, and you’re actually ready to figure out how you can start attracting more leads and sales on autopilot without actually having to message anyone or spend hours on social.

If you’re looking for a solution to have customers and business builders signing up with you, without you ever having to speak with them, I actually left a link for you in the description where you can actually learn how to do exactly that. So go ahead and check that out in the description and figure out how you can actually revolutionize your network marketing business for the better.

Now go build your unicorn empire.

Karin ????


1 thought on “How Do Network Marketers Easily Attract Customers Using Social Media”

  1. Thanks for coming!

    Access this social media and attraction marketing training for your network marketing business. Learn how to quickly and easily attract high quality leads and grow online faster! Grab my favorite social media marketing and lead generation system blueprint today.:


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